Please give a warm welcome to…

Embrace the life you live!
Or figure out how to change it…

Howdy troopers! How is your week going? Mine is looking soooooo much better after a serious dose or six of penicillin! After being pretty healthy through pregnancy and maternity leave I got really ill on Friday night with a horrible case of tonsillitis. My sister has it too, we exchanged texts which included things like ‘where did this come from?’ and ‘I don’t remember tonsillitis ever being as painful as this, like ever ever, in the history of man ever!’. Yep, it was yucky but thankfully I’m feeling pretty good, though not 100%, as I type this.

Tomorrow I go back to work {please let me take a moment to do a victory dance to gangnam style…………………..ok I’m back}. Which means this week William has been having a couple of taster sessions at nursery ready to start full-time on Monday {for any eagle eyed readers, Daddy daycare is stepping in for tomorrow and Friday}. Yesterday I had hour an hour to myself, alone, in the house, with nothing that had to be immediately done or anyone trying to get my attention. Naturally I decided to do the washing up, a smarter move than it sounds as it allowed an amazing 90 minute afternoon nap! There is something quite therapeutic about gazing out of the window, washing up with just my thoughts for company. Randomly that phrase came into my mind.

Embrace the life you live!
Or figure out how to change it!

I was upset, angry and a little bitter at mother nature for ‘robbing me’ of good health for my last few days with William before the maternity leave bubble ends. But honestly, we have had an amazing ten months together! I am honoured to have been able to have that time learning about who this little man is and who I am now that he is. It has truly been a privilege to hangout, eat breakfast and go for walks, change his nappy and splash in the bath, read books and crash trucks. Rather than focusing on what I don’t have, I needed to focus on how much I have. My life is pretty awesome, on my terms, for me, right now and I love love love it. There are things I would like to be different, some I choose to tackle and change, some I accept need to be as they are for whatever reason.

Whatever you’ve been dwelling on recently, can you change it?
Should you accept it or is it time to embrace it?

I now also have these two beauts to look at as I scrub, meet Miss. Mint and Mr. Basil. I love fresh mint tea and felt like they would be a good addition to the family. Another small step in the bigger #projectsparkle picture!

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Saturday 25th August 2012

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Drink: Taylor’s of Harrogate “take it easy” {low caffeine} coffee made in a cafetiere with a sprinkle of brown sugar and glug of milk

This morning I enjoyed my coffee with my sister and baby while OH worked. My sister and I are 5years apart and as kids fought like cat and dog. We were sooooo different and just never really clicked. But with time we can become closer and closer. She is my best friend, my confidante and I know a true constant in my life. Watching her and baby together is amazing, he loves her so much and she him. I am blessed to have such beautiful people in my life!

ps we also spent hours searching pinterest for tattoo ideas, discussing hair options, I did a DIY facial and we planned new glittertastic nails…

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