Wednesday 5th September 2012

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Drink: earl grey tea with milk
Soundtrack: classic fm

After a disturbed night and threatening migraine I’ve been clinging onto a mug of hope all day long!

These are totally happening right now, can’t decide whether I like them or not…

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We walk a particular route most days for a bit of air and on the way back we pass a Church. Recently we have been popping in. Sometimes I go in wanting to pray for something or someone. Other days I don’t know until I sit down. Then again there are times when I just sit in the presence of God. I like to light a candle too, it’s something I used to do with my Mum as a child.

This Saturday I’m having my hair done, so exciting…a solid block of at least two hours baby free, with mugs of tea and mindless gossip!! I took advantage of Tesco’s current 3for2 offer and bought some bits ready to keep my new locks tiptop and shiny!!

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Tuesday 14th August 2012

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Drink: instant decaf with glug(s) of milk
Soundtrack: my iPods ‘genius mix – contemporary country mix’

My Mum and Gran are visiting today so I’m doing that mad rush through the rooms to hide the junk and dirt. Postman Pat is the babysitter of choice whilst I get sorted #badmum

On Sunday I went back to Church. It’s the first time I’ve been to Church except for when visiting my parents in a loooooong time. There was a greater being at force because the readings were so appropriate it was scary. I wanted to share with you the prayer that was included in the newsletter.

Finish Every Day

Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could.
Some blunders and absurdities no doubt have crept in;
Forget them as soon as you can.

Tomorrow is a new day;
Begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense.

This day is all that is good and fair;
It is too dear, with it’s hopes and invitations, to waste a moment on yesterdays.

Ralph Waldo Emerson