My goals for 2012

2012 calender

There is something beautiful about a new year. 

366 days {this year} full of possibility lay before me. 
I love the sense that I can achieve anything I wish to. 
I dislike the expectation society has that you will turn into superwoman overnight. 

Are you the same? 
If so and incase you didn’t see my post about an alternative approach here it is.

So alongside and inkeeping with my own #7things here are my goals for
this year, split across the different elements of my life.

~~~ Family ~~~

complete phase 1 renovations

work on babyH’s 101 list

make the house feel homely

~~~ Mother ~~~

have a natural birth

breastfeed for upto 6 months

get out of the house once a day whilst on maternity leave

~~~ Personal ~~~

grow the book group to have 10 members by the end of the year

remove makeup before bed

set monthly goals

~~~ Blog ~~~

25,000 views in 2012

post a recipe each week

consistency and freedom in posting

~~~ Health ~~~

be able to run 5km comfortably

build in exercise to my ‘normal’ life

eat more wholesomely

Alternative New Year’s resolutions

The website ‘Day Zero Project’ is where I track my 101 list.
I really enjoy having my goals and aspirations set out.

For the New Year they have introduced
‘7 things x 2012’

Learn how to… {a new skill or hobby}

Start… {develop a habit}

Stop… {break a habit}

Take a vacation to… {where would you most like to vacation?}

Find… {what are you looking for?}

Try… {one new thing you want to try}

Be more… {a personal characteristic to improve}

You can see my #7things here.

What would your #7things be?