that looks awesome, where did you buy it from?!

Wondering what all this #projectsparkle stuff is about? Click here for the details!

7. bake a sweet treat

I created two sweet treats this week!! Pretty soon I’ll be challenging Nigella…ok maybe not but for me this is a pretty big deal. First up were cookies with my sister using this recipe. We omitted the melted chocolate and they were still pretty sweet. They made a tasty breakfast treat but I think we’ll try a different recipe next time. Any suggestions?

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On Friday a certain person turned the big three-zero 29 again! Just before Christmas I watched the Gino and Mel cooking programme and was inspired to try making their no-bake ‘Irish Liqueur’ aka Baileys {other brands are available} cheesecake. Now I’m really sorry but I’ve just tried to get the link so I could share the recipe with you and it has vanished, in it’s place is a generic ITV page saying ITV Food has now been closed. So I have tried to remember the recipe the best I can and will pop below the picture as it was a huge hit and really pretty simple to make. Mark didn’t believe that I had made it rather than bought it…this may be a reflection at the lack of domestic prowess I demonstrate rather than because he was impressed but I’ll take it!


The only change I would make is I’d be tempted to add a little vanilla essence to the cheese mixture if I were to make it again, it might not work but I think it might taste a little less cheese if that makes any sense.


300g digestive biscuits
pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg
150g unsalted butter
800g cream cheese
140g icing sugar
300ml cream – whipped
100ml irish liqueur
chocolate for decoration


1. melt the butter in a saucepan over a low heat. Separately crush the biscuits and then add to the butter along with a pinch of cinnamon and a pinch of nutmeg.

2. place the biscuit mixture into the bottom of a springform tin or loose based flan tin {really needs to be a springform though for depth} and press so it forms a firm base. Then refrigerate for 1 hour.

3. whip 300ml of double cream until it is whipped cream – recommended to do this by hand to avoid overwhipping {oh I say mr grey!}

4. beat the cream cheese until it is smooth, then add the icing sugar and liqueur and beat again until thoroughly mixed.

5. fold in the whipped cream. Then spoon the mixture onto the biscuit base and refrigerate for 2 hours before serving.

For decoration I grated toblerone, then added some malteasers and some lumps of toblerone {I popped a few triangles in a food bag, covered with a tea towel and then gave it a good whack with a rolling pin}