if mastercard sponsored today…

Our new home

house: £192,600

fees: £3,000

initial planned renovations: £7,500 {ish}

tesco supplies: £51.36

pets at home shopping trip: £42.49

prezzo lunch: £38.85


being able to tell you there are three people in this photo: priceless

pregnancy scan 11 weeks 2 days

roll on the 10th March!!

more info to come but if you can’t wait that long I’ve been writing weekly {up until now private} blogposts which you can read here:

Pregnancy: Week 9 (green olive)
Pregnancy: Week 8 (raspberry)
Pregnancy: Week 7 (blueberry)
Pregnancy: Week 6 (pea)
Pregnancy: Week 5 (appleseed)
Pregnancy: Week 4 (poppyseed)
Pregnancy: Week 3 (tiny)