ABCs of love Amy x

Age: 26 years and about 11 months

Bed size: super kingsize, 2m by 2m – it’s a relationship saver!

ikea wrought iron bed

Chore you dislike: taking the rubbish out

Dogs: I’d love one but I couldn’t give them the time they would need, instead we’ve got two huge cats! lol

Essential start to the day: pre-pregnancy a huge serving of coffee from Starbucks would have been my answer, now it’s going to the toilet lol

Favourite colour: hmmm this is tough so I’m going to cheat – black, purple and pink

Gold or silver: silver…or white gold

Height: 5ft5

Instruments you play: a little piano, a little recorder…mainly I sing

Job title: girlfriend, sister, daughter, friend, blogger, tweeter, mum-in-training.  I don’t talk about my IRL job on here

Kids: love them most of the time, we have one of our own on the way!

20 week scan

Live: in Waltham Abbey, Essex, United Kingdom

Mum’s name: Val

Nickname: mucksquercal by my Dad and stinky by Mark

Overnight hospital stays: only one I can think of is after surgery due to my miscarriage

Pet peeve: rude people who don’t attribute credit accurately or fairly

Quote: “respect the difference”

Righty or lefty: lefty and proud!

Siblings: three, Thomas, Hannah and Joshua

Time you wake-up: about 6am every day

Underwear: Marks and Spencer, no VPL high legs – super comfy!!

Vegetables you don’t like: olives if they count as a vegetable, brussel sprouts, I’m fussy about cauliflower and cabbage

What makes you run late: Mark, normally due to him leaving washing clothes until the last minute

X-rays you’ve had: as a 5 year old I cracked my head open…some dental x-rays, when I broke a bone in my foot and early this year when I was in America and they queried a blood clot on my lung.  I’ve had some cool MRI scans done too!

MRI head scan

Yummy food you make: I make some tasty random pasta dishes and a mean steak dinner

Zoo animal of choice: probably an elephant, lion or giraffe…I am fascinated by lions, the lion king is my favourite Disney classic