Menu planning #3

Sorry for the delay but this week I just really struggled to get my head around menu planning.  I was going to force myself into it last night but unfortunately heard the sad news that a twitter friend’s little girl had passed away, she was a few weeks younger than William.  It totally shook me and so I can only imagine the pain and hurt that the family must be feeling.  If you pray, meditate or anything similar please hold them, and Matilda Mae, in your thoughts and hearts, at what must be the most awful of times.



Here are a few eats from this week.  I am particularly proud of the roast chicken, it feels like a grown-up thing to be able to cook!  As well as the fact that I’m amazed I managed it as I have a fear of birds and can be funny about cooking meat.

Despite avoiding menu planning and being totally unable to get my head around it, I think we’ve got a rough plan.  The upside to having a well stocked freezer is that we can get away with planning at least a few meals the night before.  However, I still did a quick online shop ordering in the things we need to make what have become our staples.  Overnight oat and yoghurt jars, vegan muffins, salad for crudités and some fruit which normally starts at a place of pink lady apples and bananas.

This week

Breakfasts: I sound like a broken record but oat and yoghurt jars, banana and nut butter wraps and porridge sometimes at the weekend with William are really the foundation of my morning.  Alongside coffee obviously.  The protein pancake I tried didn’t work out so well, I think it was the protein powder I used so I might try tweaking that at the weekend.

Snacks: again the frozen protein bars and protein brownies along with the vegan muffins I now religiously make every Sunday night are key.  Not having to think about it and automatically thinking ‘it’s 3pm = snacktime’ takes away any choosing or thinking about less nutritious options.


1. mince with savoury scones {a Granny freezer meal}
2. pasta with pesto, smoked bacon and veggies
3. fish with mash, carrots and broccoli {we keep avoiding this meal, not big fish fans}
4. thai chicken curry
5. chicken noodle soup
6. chicken gyros

I also want to start substituting white rice for brown where possible
but it never seems to be cooked enough.  Any tips?

love Amy x


  1. Brown rice v White rice: A rule of thumb I use is equal parts water and rice for white rice; two parts water to one part rice for brown. It needs more time to cook through the unrefined grain, so more water is the answer!

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