Thursday 20th September 2012

Today I wanted to show you my new healthy living start to the morning, a mug of green tea and a glass of berocca. Alas I forgot to photograph them as I was busy facetiming with ‘Arnie’ aka my sister Hannah. It was so nice to have her at breakfast with us.

Then I thought ‘I’ll take a pic of my huge skinny cappuccino on my walk with my friend Caroline and her gorgeous ginger munchkin Ellie’ but we had too much fun gossiping. So instead you’ll have to make do with another William picture – back to coffee tomorrow, brownie promise!

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Today it struck me how competitive in life we are. Ironically in the infertility community I often find people a) hate feeling judged as inadequate amongst other things b) are busy judging fertiles, I mean how dare they get pregnant without a 5 year battle?!!! and c) playing the passive aggressive ‘my journey has been harder than yours therefore…’ game

Honestly, life can be sucky at times. It is sucky for everyone but at different times and in different ways. We just all need a bit of love, compassion and understanding – even fertiles!!

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