Forever a Daddy’s girl

You know one of those days when you just need to sit down with a bottle of wine mug of tea and copious amounts of cake and just rant away to someone until you have to give-in and breathe?  Yup that.

This weekend my Dad came down to help Mark do some work on the house.  He snapped this pic of the two of us when we went out for drinks and curry.  I really love it.  Infact, I really love my Dad, getting to hang out with him is a treat.

Dad and I

It seems even more poignant posting this, which I’d already planned, as yesterday morning my Granddad died after being ill for a number of months and probably years really.  We have had a strained relationship for a number of years.  Somehow it makes the grieving process harder.  I think maybe it’s more that I grieve for the missed opportunity, the what could have been, rather than mourning the loss of the person. 

I’m grateful for having such a wonderful relationship with my parents, my Gran and my Uncle Harry {adopted Granddad who I miss with all my heart}.  I love them for the people they are, not just because of the linkage we have.  It’s something I cherish.  One of my greatest hopes for our baby is that they too grow to have similarly fabulous people in their lives.

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