a wish gone by

Before I was pregnant my best friend and I used to while away the time over a glass or three of wine imagining how amazing it would be to be pregnant at the same time.  We imagined working through the excitement together, reassuring each other through the scary bits and watching our children hangout together as we sipped Starbucks and talked about the latest sleepless nights and favourite nail polishes.

Back then, it didn’t even occur to me to consider that
1 in 3 pregnancies ends in miscarriage

Ironically we did fall pregnant within about 4 weeks of each other although I didn’t know that at the time.  I have often wondered if my miscarriage was a key contributor as to why our friendship dissolved.  Maybe I was almost a symbol of ‘bad luck’.  Who knows.  But now, when I think about the future and the hope that we will be pregnant again I know that noone close to me has similar dates.  Not because I don’t want to share it, anything but.  I just would hate to have that barrier develop once again if either of us were that ‘1’ in 3.

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