And so it is, just like you said it would be…

And so they have decided it is over.  My body is now merely playing tricks on me to make me think everything is ok but really it isn’t.  Bloods today and Sunday to measure my HCG and rule out molar pregnancy.  Then, assuming my body continues to be mean, I can agree to a D&C.  I’m going to try to book in for next Thursday so I’ve got a few days to recover and then back into work on the Monday.

Mentally I am wrestling the rational ‘it is over’ and the irrational ‘but I still feel pregnant’.  I wish I had just miscarried normally, it would have been hard but removed this slow and painful 4 weeks of uncertainty.


Then there is the ‘what next?’ question.

This pregnancy came as a very special and wonderful surprise.

It has made us realise how much we want to be parents…

But work-wise it isn’t ideal…with a little effort the next year or two could be really positive for me professionally…

So who knows, we certainly don’t at the moment.



I think a little break away, some sea-air and real fires will be medicinal

Vino and yummy food also naturally!

Plus I have a 5km run with Kat to prepare for…

I’m debating whether to go back to being vegetarian – I stopped whilst pregnant because my iron levels fell so low…

And I am tempted by slimming world (if I don’t go back to being vegetarian)…
But that would break my ‘no diet on the #101’ task…


  1. so sorry you are having to go through this 😦 I had a missed miscarriage. I was 11 weeks when I started bleeding, had to wait a week for a scan which showed the baby had stopped growing at 6 weeks, then had to wait another week for a D&C. The uncertainty and waiting is terrible and its a heartbreaking thing to have to go through. I hope you manage to get through the next few weeks as well as you can. Take care xxx

    • Thank you for sharing your experience. It has been difficult because we’ve been in limbo for at least a week and a question mark over it all for 2 weeks before then. Because of my PCOS we felt so blessed and were super excited. But it is natures way. D&C booked for Thursday, can’t help but hope that when they scan me they will be wrong and there he will be but realistically I know that isn’t going to happen. Just have to be kind to ourselves and focus on work and a health kick.


  2. I’m so sorry hun 😦 I don’t really know what to say other than look after yourself xxxx

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